As you are (presumably) working from home, you are likely to be using the internet as your main contact point for your clients / customers. Go through your email address book and see how many contacts you already have that you can send offers to. This will basically be anyone you’ve already sold to. This means there is an existing business relationship there.
It might take a couple of weeks to build up a list if you’ve not already got one but as the Internet ‘gurus’ say ‘The gold is in the list’ and once you’ve got it treat it like a valuable asset (because it is) and it’ll provide you with an income if you use it well.
Basically the best and quickest way to build a list is to offer a value for money product for free. If I was in a band, I might offer a free track from my latest album. A graphic desginer might offer a set of free website headers or buttons. An author, might offer a free newsletter. Whatever it is must be of value to your subscribers. You can see my free offer on this blog (the news & tips offer).
It’s a good value, quality video training package that originally sold for $74.85 when purchased individually and is now available for free. All I ask in return is that you join my mailing list by giving me your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time from the list but my hope is that once you see the offers and information I mail to you, you’ll stay with it.
Now the better quality the product the more people will subscribe to your list. It’s worth buying a good quality ebook or software package relevant to your business / work (that you are allowed to give away and not just sell) to maximise your list. The video products in my newsletter offer, can in fact also be given away by my subscribers. So if they are products that would be of interest to your subscribers, please feel free to use them for your own offer :-)