Friday, 13 April 2007

Putting Yourself in Time-Out

A mom’s work is never done. This is especially true for entrepreneurial moms. As you devote your time, energy, and enthusiasm to your new business venture, don’t leave out the most important part: taking time for you.

You have to take care of yourself from time to time. Not only do you need the occasional break - you deserve it! Give yourself a time-out to do something you enjoy, or just to relax, even if it’s only for a few minutes a day.

Need a quick pick-me-up? Try one of these rewarding and refreshing activities:

• Go for a walk. If you have babies or toddlers, take them along for a stroll.
• Soak in a soothing tub, enhanced with your favorite bath oil scents.
• Curl up on the couch with a good book or movie.
• Reward yourself with a decadent snack. Stop working for a few minutes and enjoy the experience.
• Write a letter to a friend and share the good news that you’re starting your very own business.
• Meditate.
• Spend ten minutes snuggling with your pet.
• Subscribe to your favorite magazine. Drop everything when the latest issue arrives in the mail, brew some coffee, and enjoy every page.
• Get a manicure, pedicure or professional massage.
• Arrange a “date” with your spouse.
• Take your children to the playground - and get on the swings, the slide, or the merry-go-round with them.

Most of all, congratulate yourself! You’re starting on the road to a rewarding lifestyle and career independence.

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