Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Time vs Money - How to save both by outsourcing

How much is your time worth? If you see yourself staring down fourteen-hour workdays in order to develop and run a successful home-based business, you may want to consider outsourcing.

Outsourcing simply means paying someone else to perform certain tasks for you. Of course, the turnoff word here for many people is “paying.” You’re starting a business with the intent of making money, not spending it - right?

In many cases, the money you spend for outsourcing will actually mean greater profits. By hiring an expert to handle those tasks that would take you longer due to your lack of experience, you save time - time which you can then spend doing those things you are experienced with.

When it comes to choosing which tasks you should look for someone else to do for you, a good rule of thumb is “do your best, outsource the rest.” If a task involves skill areas you haven’t developed, hire an expert.

Here are just a few of the tasks you can easily outsource:

• Website content and copy writing
• Website design
• Website maintenance
• Internet research
• Data formatting
• Search engine submissions
• Sales letter writing

Websites you can look to outsource at include:
Guru.com Elance.com RentACoder.com

If you are a freelancer yourself, maybe you could use the above to offer your own services :-)

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