Monday 27 August 2007

30 day plan - Internet Profits - Day 18

Day 18: Clickbank

If you haven't already done so, go to clickbank and set up a paid account so you can start selling your own products. The reason I like clickbank is because they also offer an easy way to set up your affiliate program (which is a great way to grow your business fast.)

If you can't afford a clickbank account yet, head on to paypal and set up a free account with them. Be sure to set it up for bank transfers right away so that you can move money from your paypal account into your bank account quickly.

This free clickbank video course will take you through the basics of choosing and promoting a product from the Clickbank marketplace.

Video 1: Clickbank - What it is and How you can make money with it

Video 2: Finding good products to sell from the Clickbank Marketplace

Video 3 and 4: Preselling Secrets and selling the Clickbank product and Marketing the Clickbank product

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