Sunday 12 August 2007

30 day plan - Internet Profits - Day 3

Day 3: Find The Right Product

Next, I would find or create my product(s). Creating your own products is not difficult. However, it does take a little time to get it done, create a sales letter for it, work on the site, test it out, etc.

If you are short of time (and / or money) then it is probably better to start by looking for existing products that I could acquire resell rights to or become an affiliate of.

You can go to and browse through their Marketplace for a product you can affiliate with. I like clickbank because they automatically (and instantly) transfer your commissions into your account. You don't have to depend on the product owner's schedule to receive timely commissions. And, you can become an affiliate of all of their products at no charge. Another similar affiliate marketplace is although there you are paid directly by the vendor. Both are good places to sell your digital products if you have created your own.

You could also go to (or even Yahoo) and search for sites selling recipes, recipe books, cookbooks, etc. and look for sites you could affiliate with. It would be to your advantage to work with sites/products that offer a generous commission (at least 50%.)

Tip: As you look through these sites, pay attention to how professional the sites look, how convincing the sales letter is, and also how soon after the sale they send out commissions. If you personally feel good about the site, see some great testimonials, and feel that you would want to do business with that company, you've probably found a good business to affiliate with.

(Let me also point out here that if you do have some experience with creating your own products, feel free to do so. It doesn't have to contain 100 pages. It can be only a few pages, as long as you provide solid, valuable information.)

Finding Your Niche

When trying to figure out which niche to go after, the questions you want to ask yourself are...

  • What do I love to do the most? What am I most passionate about in life?
  • What subjects do I have strong emotional feeling towards?
  • What am I naturally good at or have an instinct for? (Provided it's something you enjoy doing!)
  • If I were to wake up in the morning and choose to do one thing, what would that be?
  • What would express my creative intention and bring out the best in me while doing it?
  • How can I benefit myself and others if I were to express my creative intention?
To some, the answers may come very easily. And for some of us, it may require a little bit of soul-searching and self-discovery to get there.

If you're having a hard time finding the answers, just get your mind going in that general direction by pondering on the above questions, especially before you go to bed at night (and until you fall asleep.) The power of focus is such that it will get your mind working in the background (while you're sleeping) to bring the answers to you.

For now, you can simply start by asking...

"What are my favorite hobbies, interests, activities, etc."


"What are some things I don't know yet but have a burning desire to learn more about?"

Start a list and add all your favorites to it.

Turning Problems into Opportunities

Realize that it's not just your passions, hobbies, and interests you should be taking note of. Also take a closer look at your biggest problems and challenges.

You see, life has an interesting way of trying to put us onto the right path... if we would only stop and pay attention. Often times, the major problems and challenges in our lives arise only to direct us, to nudge us towards the right path, the path that we're supposed to be traveling on. Yet many of us get so wrapped up in the problem itself that we're constantly fighting and pushing away while never being able to see what it's trying to tell us.

Many of your greatest pains and challenges are simply opportunities in disguise.

Some of our greatest inventions came out of problems and challenges the inventors were having in their lives. They decided to focus on the solution instead of giving all their energy and thought to the problem.

During the great depression, while most people were suffering and going through tough times, others found ways to "solve problems" and then helped others cope with those problems. They became very rich in the process.

You can do the same today.

Start looking for the answers and solutions to those major problems/challenges in your life. If no one else has yet provided an effective solution to the problem, you may just be the person to do it.

Problems are everywhere you look, on every corner you turn. Just look around you. People are miserable, they're irritable, they're mad!

Often times, one of the problems you're having in your life is also something that many others are having as well. Find the solution to it and become the expert that everyone else will look to for answers.

The best way to become rich is to create value in others' lives. Start with your own problems and find ways to make others' lives easier.

Open their eyes to what's really going on around them, offer solutions to their problems. In return, they will reward you with money!

The Most Popular Subjects

If you're still having a hard time trying to figure out which niche market to go into, continue to do the 'focusing' exercise given earlier, and then, take a look at this...

Here's a list of some of the most popular subjects people are paying for...

  • Dating, Seduction, Sex Advice, Relationships
  • Losing weight, gaining muscle, looking more attractive
  • Health & fitness, cures/reliefs from specific diseases & ailments
  • Spying, online privacy and security
  • Safety, personal security, and protection of self and loved ones (self defense, home security, scam prevention, etc.)
  • How to use computers and the Internet
  • Mental influence, persuasion, and dominance
  • General self-help, self improvement, personal development, and success
  • Hobbies and special interests: cooking, magic, UFO's, metaphysics, becoming more competitive in sports, activities, etc.
  • Making money, aside from marketing information: investing, stock market, futures trading, real estate tips, and other related financial information
  • And of course, having more control and freedom in their lives!

People are always looking to improve themselves or some area of their lives. They are always trying to find solutions to problems.

There are sites catering to some of the above categories that are already generating thousands of dollars every month. I have personally sold products in some of the above categories and have done very well.

Yet, we haven't even begun to tap the true profit potential in these areas yet because there's very little competition in most of these areas, especially when compared to the "how-to marketing" area! The potential to make money from the above special-interest categories is huge - and it's wide open!

Moreover, as more and more people get accustomed to buying digital products, you can easily imagine making insane amounts of money through these topics well into the future.

You could pick any one of the above subjects that you personally have an interest in and run with it.

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