The following 30-day 'Internet Profits' plan is designed for both beginners and the more experienced to put to use and easily start pulling in a steady stream of online profits. It incorporates many of the things I do in my own business(s) and I think some of you will find it useful (or at least interesting).
I will try to post this 30 day plan in 'real time' but it will remain on this blog afterwards so you may find that you are starting your 30 day plan in a different month (or year!). Whatever date you are starting this plan, I recommend that you stick to each day as it comes and don't skip ahead. Your 30 day plan could potentially be the beginning of a successful business - it is worth taking the time to do it right.
Good luck!
Day 1: Develop A 'Success Mindset'
The first day is about finding your center and creating the right mindset! This is extremely important! Without it, you will have a difficult time finding success.
You can have the best tools and strategies at your disposal. But if you have a poor attitude and mindset, those tools and strategies will not do you much good.
If you want to succeed, you have to pull out all the stops and use all that you have. And your mind is the greatest asset you possess.
First of all, realize the simple fact that every problem is really an opportunity in disguise.
If you are brand new to the Internet marketing world, you are extremely fortunate! Because, you have to opportunity here to start from scratch!
You don't have to pick just another job and get stuck in it again. You have a chance to pick something that you actually enjoy doing!
The only way is up from here. And that's what we will focus on. We have an opportunity here to find what we are really passionate about and do that!
I would use this day to clearly outline a few rules for myself to follow, for the rest of the 30 days, and beyond:
Every morning, before I do anything else, I will remind myself of the above. My goal is success and that's all I'm going to focus on. Failure is not an option. If anytime during the day, I begin to feel down, I will go through the above list again and get back in touch with what's real.
Every night, before falling asleep, I will visualize myself as having already reached my goals, as clearly and vividly as I can. I will also get in touch with all the feelings that go with that vision and really embody the experience. I will see myself exactly as I want to be, living the life that I want to live, enjoying the things and experiences that I want.
This is my primary focus for the next 30 days.
Please do the above every single day! I cannot stress the importance of it enough.
You can have the best tools and strategies at your disposal. But if you have the wrong mindset, those tools and strategies will not do you much good.
Get your mind firmly focused in the right direction and the rest will fall into place!
Believe That It’s Possible For YOU!
You have to believe that you CAN get whatever results you're after. If your goal is to earn a million dollars, you have to convince yourself that you can do it.
The easiest way to do it is to spend time looking at the successes and millionaires around you. Read about them. Watch videos about them. Listen to others talk about them. Do whatever you have to do to FOCUS on success, and spend time around like-minded people.
Something very interesting happens when you shift your focus in this way. See, there is a universal law that tends to attract to you whatever it is you most focus on. Whatever you focus on most gets drawn to you. Don't ask me how this happens. (Actually, I do know how but explaining it will take several pages). ;-) Just know that it's a proven fact. Like energy attracts like energy.
For example, when you start taking guitar lessons, you will suddenly find that there are so many others around you who are also into guitars. They are drawn to you. You suddenly become aware of like-minded people simply by focusing in a certain direction (in this case, guitars.)
So, start looking for proof around you. Read stories and case studies about others who have already earned a million dollars. Let the stories motivate you and make a believer out of you.
The reality is that whatever it is that you want in your life, you can have it, IF you first believe that you can have it. Believe at the core (not just on the surface level) that it is possible, that it's doable.
If others can do it, you can do it. It's that simple.
10 Common Money & Success Myths
Audio Running Time : 10 mins 50
I will try to post this 30 day plan in 'real time' but it will remain on this blog afterwards so you may find that you are starting your 30 day plan in a different month (or year!). Whatever date you are starting this plan, I recommend that you stick to each day as it comes and don't skip ahead. Your 30 day plan could potentially be the beginning of a successful business - it is worth taking the time to do it right.
Good luck!
Day 1: Develop A 'Success Mindset'
The first day is about finding your center and creating the right mindset! This is extremely important! Without it, you will have a difficult time finding success.
You can have the best tools and strategies at your disposal. But if you have a poor attitude and mindset, those tools and strategies will not do you much good.
If you want to succeed, you have to pull out all the stops and use all that you have. And your mind is the greatest asset you possess.
First of all, realize the simple fact that every problem is really an opportunity in disguise.
If you are brand new to the Internet marketing world, you are extremely fortunate! Because, you have to opportunity here to start from scratch!
You don't have to pick just another job and get stuck in it again. You have a chance to pick something that you actually enjoy doing!
The only way is up from here. And that's what we will focus on. We have an opportunity here to find what we are really passionate about and do that!
I would use this day to clearly outline a few rules for myself to follow, for the rest of the 30 days, and beyond:
- I will realize that my failures are in my past. They're gone, old news. I'm not going to dwell on them or beat myself up over them. Today is a new day and I'm going to make a fresh start! I will simply learn from my mistakes and forge on ahead!
- I will not worry or panic about my current financial situation, as that will not help matters at all; it will only slow me down. If I run across any problems or challenges, I will spend very little time focusing on the problem while spending most of my time focusing on the solution!
- I will also realize and keep reminding myself that every problem, every challenge has within it the seed of a new opportunity! And that's what I will focus on - the opportunities.
- I will spend the next 30 days focusing only on success, optimism, solutions, and on moving forward.
- I am going to keep the negative people out of my life for at least the next 30 days.
- I will remind myself that this is totally doable! There are people out there with much less intellect and resources than me that have created amazing successes on the Internet. If they can do it, I can definitely do it! All I need is to take action, pay attention to where I'm heading and improve accordingly…and persist!
- And finally, I will realize that this world really is a place of abundance. Just look around. You've got the entire Internet at your disposal! And as if that were not enough, you've got public libraries full of information and knowledge. It's yours for the taking. Put it to use! Everything you need is there, including money. We just have to put forth the action and claim what's ours.
Every morning, before I do anything else, I will remind myself of the above. My goal is success and that's all I'm going to focus on. Failure is not an option. If anytime during the day, I begin to feel down, I will go through the above list again and get back in touch with what's real.
Every night, before falling asleep, I will visualize myself as having already reached my goals, as clearly and vividly as I can. I will also get in touch with all the feelings that go with that vision and really embody the experience. I will see myself exactly as I want to be, living the life that I want to live, enjoying the things and experiences that I want.
This is my primary focus for the next 30 days.
Please do the above every single day! I cannot stress the importance of it enough.
You can have the best tools and strategies at your disposal. But if you have the wrong mindset, those tools and strategies will not do you much good.
Get your mind firmly focused in the right direction and the rest will fall into place!
Believe That It’s Possible For YOU!
You have to believe that you CAN get whatever results you're after. If your goal is to earn a million dollars, you have to convince yourself that you can do it.
The easiest way to do it is to spend time looking at the successes and millionaires around you. Read about them. Watch videos about them. Listen to others talk about them. Do whatever you have to do to FOCUS on success, and spend time around like-minded people.
Something very interesting happens when you shift your focus in this way. See, there is a universal law that tends to attract to you whatever it is you most focus on. Whatever you focus on most gets drawn to you. Don't ask me how this happens. (Actually, I do know how but explaining it will take several pages). ;-) Just know that it's a proven fact. Like energy attracts like energy.
For example, when you start taking guitar lessons, you will suddenly find that there are so many others around you who are also into guitars. They are drawn to you. You suddenly become aware of like-minded people simply by focusing in a certain direction (in this case, guitars.)
So, start looking for proof around you. Read stories and case studies about others who have already earned a million dollars. Let the stories motivate you and make a believer out of you.
The reality is that whatever it is that you want in your life, you can have it, IF you first believe that you can have it. Believe at the core (not just on the surface level) that it is possible, that it's doable.
If others can do it, you can do it. It's that simple.
10 Common Money & Success Myths
Audio Running Time : 10 mins 50
The next thing you want to do is to learn to relax. The more relaxed you are, the more efficiently your mind (and body) will function.
Here's a simple relaxation technique you can use to center yourself: Lay down in bed or sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and start taking deep, slow breaths. Let your mind go from all other thoughts and just focus on your breathing. In and out. With each in-breath, see yourself filling up with energy and vigor. And with each out-breath, see all the stress, tension, worry and confusion drifting out of your body.
Do this for 5 to 15 minutes every morning, and a couple of times during the day when you take breaks. It will center your mind and relax your body. Both are essential for optimum performance, and success.
And finally, you have to keep your body healthy! Your body is your vehicle, without it you won't be able to do much. Keep yourself well nourished and hydrated throughout the day. When we are faced with tough situations, we tend to abuse our bodies with unhealthy foods and drinks. Make an effort to not do this. Avoid junk foods, high-sugar foods and drinks, and alcohol. For the next 30 days, make an honest effort to eat healthy so that your mind and body can function at optimum levels.
It is also very useful to add in at least 20 to 30 minutes of brisk walking into your schedule. You can do this in the mornings, at noon, or in the evenings. It's your choice. If you can't do it every day, do it at least 3 to 4 times per week. This can also be a time for you to take a break from everything for a few minutes. I find it very useful to grab a notepad or tape recorder while I go on my walks. The very moment you let go of everything is when some really great ideas come to you. (It's because your mind has a chance to relax and roam freely.)
To some people, this all may seem like unnecessary work, but it's absolutely critical to your success that you do them.
Now that you've taken care of a plan for your body and mind, it's time for the next step.
Here's a simple relaxation technique you can use to center yourself: Lay down in bed or sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and start taking deep, slow breaths. Let your mind go from all other thoughts and just focus on your breathing. In and out. With each in-breath, see yourself filling up with energy and vigor. And with each out-breath, see all the stress, tension, worry and confusion drifting out of your body.
Do this for 5 to 15 minutes every morning, and a couple of times during the day when you take breaks. It will center your mind and relax your body. Both are essential for optimum performance, and success.
And finally, you have to keep your body healthy! Your body is your vehicle, without it you won't be able to do much. Keep yourself well nourished and hydrated throughout the day. When we are faced with tough situations, we tend to abuse our bodies with unhealthy foods and drinks. Make an effort to not do this. Avoid junk foods, high-sugar foods and drinks, and alcohol. For the next 30 days, make an honest effort to eat healthy so that your mind and body can function at optimum levels.
It is also very useful to add in at least 20 to 30 minutes of brisk walking into your schedule. You can do this in the mornings, at noon, or in the evenings. It's your choice. If you can't do it every day, do it at least 3 to 4 times per week. This can also be a time for you to take a break from everything for a few minutes. I find it very useful to grab a notepad or tape recorder while I go on my walks. The very moment you let go of everything is when some really great ideas come to you. (It's because your mind has a chance to relax and roam freely.)
To some people, this all may seem like unnecessary work, but it's absolutely critical to your success that you do them.
Now that you've taken care of a plan for your body and mind, it's time for the next step.
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