Tuesday, 21 August 2007

30 day plan - Internet Profits - Day 12

Day 12: Getting More Exposure

Here's another way to get your reports (and affiliate product) more exposure. If you're writing your own reports and/or recipes, start submitting them to other publishers (of ezines or websites) so that they can offer it to their prospects / customers.

You could either look for these sites/publishers on google.com or simply ask on the forums to see if anyone is interested in free content for their publications or web sites. There are usually quite a few people looking for content.

Submit your report/recipe to as many publishers/webmasters as you can. Not everyone will agree to post it, but that's OK. Get as many as you can.

Make a list of all the publishers/webmasters that did agree to publish your report. You can contact them later for your other reports, products, and/or joint venture deals. (In fact, you can also contact those who didn’t post your work. They may still be open for a joint venture that’ll make them some profit.)

Note: You can continue to use the above strategy for as long as it works. When your results start to diminish, get another great free report, change the signature file for your posts to match and repeat the process. Also, submit the new reports to the other ezines and sites.

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