Wednesday, 15 August 2007

30 day plan - Internet Profits - Day 6

Day 6: Next, you need to find an autoresponder.

Most web hosts will give you a basic autoresponder where you can receive an email to a certain address and it will automatically 'respond' with a reply (eg. We have received your email and will respond within the next 48 hours).

When sending out newsletters and marketing messages what is required is the ability to pre-load a sequence of autoresponder messages and the option to 'broadcast' a one-off message (i.e. a newsletter or a special offer) to all your subscribers whenever you want to.

The main options for an autoresponder are:

Autoresponder software which you install on your server
Autoresponder software which you install on your desktop
A third-party Autoresponder service.

Everyone is concerned about getting spam. In several email services (like hotmail and google etc.) they have a button at the top of every email which people can click to say 'this email is spam'. This is then registered as a spam complaint and if you get a relatively high percentage of spam complaints you risk getting shut down. The trouble is a lot of people don't really understand what spam is. They often click that button because they have simply decided they don't want to receive your newsletter any more. If you have done everything right (such as used double opt-in and given an unsubscribe link at the end of every email - standard features of most autoresponders) then you should have nothing to worry about if you have used a recognised third-party autoresponder service. If you opt for software installed on your own server or desktop then a collection of spam complaints (even when false) could risk you being shut down by your web host or isp. For that reason I would always recommend people use a third-party service and only accept double opt-in subscribers. The other main reason for using a reputable third-party autoresponder service is that most have a relationship with all the various email service providers so you have a much better chance of your emails getting through in the first place.

If you need help with writing your emails you can access a free email copywriting course by clicking the image below:

Email Promos Exposed - A Collection Of FREE "Underground"
Videos That Reveals Every Single Tip, Tactic And Secret For Creating Persuasive Emails That Make You Money NOW!...
$197 Value

Click Here for FREE instant access.

I use Aweber for all of my online businesses (one account can have unlimited autoresponder lists on it). You can get a free test drive of the Aweber service by going through this link:
(look towards the bottom of that page for the free test-drive signup).

Once you have set up your autoresponder account (or software / webscript) load up your article into the autoresponder and test the system out (by sending email to it and timing it's response rate, etc.)

If you're satisfied with the AR (autoresponder) you picked, add a few more lines to your AR message...

At the very top, add something like...

"Thank you for requesting your free ____ recipe! Enjoy, and feel free to pass this article to your friends and family."

At the end of the AR message (before your ad for the affiliate product), add something along the lines of...

"We will send you more great recipes, tips, and resources soon! If you do not wish to receive these from us, please let us know."

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